Harvesting is time when farmers got to take what they have planted for germination and to celebrates it in happiness and Joy. Different tribes has what is known for them. Some tribes specialized in farming of yam, cassava, groundnut etc. Some also specialized in Apple, mango, orange, sugar-cane, cocoa, tubers and so on. Today, this is what we spotted in Indonesia "Java" tribe. They cerebrated their harvest. We learned that Java people are very industrious and hardworking people. They have different talents. We got one of the local farmer by name Mrs Sulanjari Endah, she was happy to harvest her farm products. She spoke to our representative but in Indonesia dialect; Ya hari ini kita bahagia karena Tuhan telah memberkati kita dengan pekerjaan tangan kita. Orang jawa adalah orang yang sudah lama dikenal karena pekerja keras mereka. Kita bahagia hari ini karena kita bisa melihat produk pertanian kita dilobi.
Well we at Philipconcept Blog's brings to you what we find at their farm. They are Carrot, Apple, Banner, Maize, Cucumber Indonesia garden egg, Garbage, pepper and so many we can't rename in English word.
They were happy to see their seeds germinate as more expected. They thanked the Lord Almighty for his blessings and caring towards them and their families. Today Java tribe in Indonesia are marking there Harvesting Day.