Posted by Adegun Jerome Odebode
Episode 1
1. Since my primary school days till date, people argue that Catholics don't use the old testament, but what I know is every first reading at Mass is from the old testament funny?
2. They said Catholics have removed books from the Bible... what I know is the Protestants' Bible is 7 books less, who removed books then? and why? ask Luther.
3. They said Catholics worship Mary
and prioritize her over Jesus, but what I know is when Catholics call Mary, what follows is "pray for us", and Jesus, "have Mercy on us". Pray for me isn't a word of worship , or is it? From the classroom, I think that's a request, and a plea.Episode 1
1. Since my primary school days till date, people argue that Catholics don't use the old testament, but what I know is every first reading at Mass is from the old testament funny?
2. They said Catholics have removed books from the Bible... what I know is the Protestants' Bible is 7 books less, who removed books then? and why? ask Luther.
3. They said Catholics worship Mary
4. They say Catholics pray to God through Mary not Jesus, what I know is at Mass, all prayers are concluded this way; "we ask this through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever....Amen". Oh, what about the Rosary? It begins with the Apostles' Creed, has 6 our father, 6 Glory to the Father, and the Litany which begins with Lord have Mercy on us. Do you know that?
5. They say Mary should be treated as an envelope and Catholics fail to recognize that. Awww, Mother of God, envelope? Before the Pentecost, Mary already had the Holy Spirit, (in the words of the Angel during the Annunciation), do u know why?
she carried God the Son in her body: she's a terbanacle, do you know that? She's the only human being in the new testament who has changed a divine timetable...the water to wine wonder: read carefully and reflect.
She is the Mother of God (you can say no if to you Jesus is not God), mother of Church, mother of all Christians and the Queen of Heaven! this is what we honour her for; it's not a worship.
5. Catholics have images in places of worship....oh, is that bad? The bronze serpent in the desert was an image though. The Cherubims and Seraphims in the terbanacle were images too. If God commanded these images to be made, then the focus of the first commandment isn't on making of the image, but something else, read again.
6. Catholics take alcohol at Mass, oh, really, Jesus used wine from grapes. Wine from grapes 2017years ago non-alcoholic? Really? shall drink it with me in heaven...
7. Catholics use was presented at our Lord's birth, and used throughout the Priestly lineage from Melchizedek
8. Our Priests don't marry... What is the name of the wife of Jesus? What about Paul? What was the teaching about marriage? Does the church abolish marriages? Have you come across 'sacraments'? Then let's proceed.
9. A funny one they said Pope John Paul ll is in hell . (Angelica Zambrano Mora in 2012)
Have you observed this? ...for all the people she said she saw in hell, their pictures were presented as they were seen in hell. For Jonh Paul, his life picture on a magazine was what they presented...
Things they don't condemn us for;
1. Every single day somewhere in the world, Catholics celebrate and partake in the real body and blood of this in memory of me...
2. None of the shackles had ever destroyed the Church... Upon this rock I'll build my Church....even the gates of hell cannot prevail against it
don't be shocked
3. ...still loading...They use the Gregorian Calendar, celebrate Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc, with comfort.