Written and compiled by Philip Ezenwatuh
Like last week we treated about how to pray with the scripture. Today we will be looking forward to 5'Ps of prayer
What is Prayer:
The word prayer or prārthanā (in Sanskrut) is derived from two words ‘pra’ and ‘artha’, meaning pleading fervently. In other words, it is asking God for something with intense yearning. Prayer includes respect, love, pleading and faith. By praying, we express our helplessness and endow the doership of a task to God. Praying benefits us at the level of action,
thought and attitude. It is a cornerstone in spiritual practice because it enhances the potency of chanting the Name of God, gives us Divine protection from ghosts and departed ancestors, reduces ego, and increases our faith. Over time, frequent prayers help to dissolve our mind and intellect and through them we gain access to the higher Universal Mind and Intellect.The word prayer or prārthanā (in Sanskrut) is derived from two words ‘pra’ and ‘artha’, meaning pleading fervently. In other words, it is asking God for something with intense yearning. Prayer includes respect, love, pleading and faith. By praying, we express our helplessness and endow the doership of a task to God. Praying benefits us at the level of action,
5'ps of prayer are:
Place: Before you have in mind to pray what comes first to your mind is where is suitable for your prayer, some like catholics prays at the chapel grotto and so on most in general the christians often pray at the place of worship called church. Muslims pray at mosque, while pagans pray at shrine. But what really matters is first thing that comes to your mind is where to pray which is place.
Place: Before you have in mind to pray what comes first to your mind is where is suitable for your prayer, some like catholics prays at the chapel grotto and so on most in general the christians often pray at the place of worship called church. Muslims pray at mosque, while pagans pray at shrine. But what really matters is first thing that comes to your mind is where to pray which is place.
Presence: it was said wherever your mind is, is where you are. One of the factors of prayer is you have to put all your concentration and mind to what you are about to engage on which is prayer for effective concentration.
Posture: This factor is very important, because some aged nor disabled people sometimes can not stand to pray they may prefer to sit. Some people might prefer to kneel on their knees or lay down on the ground. But the much fact is you make your choice which will enabled you to concentrate and feeled balanced while praying.
Passage: Read clearly to the passages you were directed by the holy spirit very well. Adhere, reflect and meditate more on. Read to understand and practice what you have learned.
Pray: Pray from the dept of your mind expose your feelings and worries to your creator.
Prayer Review/Experience
What is God saying to me in this passage
What did i understand from this passage